
Diplomadolgozat témajavaslatok

Diplomadolgozat témajavaslatok a 2024/25. tanévben végzős hallgatók számára


Dr. Baranyai Gábor egyetemi adjunktus

Implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive – critical assessment

The flow of indigineous water: Exploring the intersection of indigineous water rights, integrated water resources managment and ecosystem services

Transboundary water conflict assessment – regional examples

Water nationalism – its role in national and transboundary water politics


Dr. Bogárdi János egyetemi tanár

Integrated water resources management: an acknowledged principle or successful practice


Dr. Fülöp Sándor egyetemi docens

A fenntartható fejlődés alapelvei és a vízjog alapelvei / Sustainable development principles and water management legal principles

Communication strategies in international water conflicts

Comprehensive regulation of the water cycle: challenges, needs, possibilities

Environmental impact assessment in water management cases

Közösségi részvétel a környezetvédelmi és a vízügyi döntésekben / Public participation in environmental and water decision-making

Trade-offs between water management, water protection and nature protection interests

Water sharing between Mexico and the United States


Komatina, Dejan PhD

Development of river tourism in the Danube River Basin

Establishment of the flood forecasting and warning system in a transboundary river basin

Fleet modernization in the Danube network of inland waterways

Flow regulation through the reservoir operation in the Drina River Basin (Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia)

Harmonization of national flood risk management plans in the Tisza River Basin

Improvement of inland navigation and waterway transport in the Danube River Basin

Management planning in the Danube River Basin

Managing the risk of political conflicts over shared water resources due to climate change – the role of UNECE as a regional institution 

Transboundary cooperation as a tool to reduce water pollution in the Danube / Tisza / Sava River Basin


Dr. Máthé Katalin tudományos mts.

Environmental awareness in our moment-to-moment choices: the water footprint calculator put into practice

Water and access to water as a basic human right

Water Ethics Charter for local communities – account on an experiment


Dr. Pálvölgyi Tamás egyetemi docens

Lokális fenntarthatósági programok vízgazdálkodási jelentősége: (esettanulmány …. Önkormányzatra) / Assessment of water-related policies and measures in national climate change strategies (National Case study of.. )


Ungvári Gábor PhD doktorjelölt

Economic sustainability of waterway transport on the rivers of the Carpathian basin in light of climate change and the changes in the European transport market

The Bottled Water Phenomena in the context of Sustainability

Visions for the Drava in the Mura-Drava-Duna Biosphere Reserve, future goals and conflicts to solve


Dr. Zlinszky János egyetemi docens

Major religions on the access to water - is there common ground?

Tensions in the climate - water - energy "triangle" in a large transboundary watershed


Diplomadolgozat témajavaslatok a 2023/24. tanévben végzős hallgatók számára


Dr. Baranyai Gábor egyetemi adjunktus

Implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive – critical assessment

Transboundary water conflict assessment – regional examples

Water nationalism – its role in national and transboundary water politics


Dr. Fülöp Sándor egyetemi docens

A fenntartható fejlődés alapelvei és a vízjog alapelvei

Sustainable development principles and water management legal principles

Közösségi részvétel a környezetvédelmi és a vízügyi döntésekben

Public participation in environmental and water decision-making


Dr. Jánosi Imre Miklós egyetemi tanár

Climatological analysis of environmental data banks

Nagytömegű környezeti adatok klimatológiai feldolgozása


Komatina, Dejan PhD

Coping with current water challenges – the role of river basin organisations

Development of river tourism in the Danube River Basin

Establishment of the flood forecasting and warning system in a transboundary river basin

Fleet modernization in the Danube network of inland waterways

Flow regulation through the reservoir operation in the Drina River Basin (Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia)

Harmonization of national flood risk management plans in the Tisza River Basin

Improvement of inland navigation and waterway transport in the Danube River Basin

Management planning in the Danube River Basin

Managing the risk of political conflicts over shared water resources due to climate change – the role of UNECE as a regional institution 

Transboundary cooperation as a tool to reduce water pollution in the Danube / Tisza / Sava River Basin


Lakatos Boglárka PhD hallgató

Civil szerveződések tevékenysége az agrár-vízgazdálkodási kérdésekben az elmúlt 30 évben (nemzetközi folyamatok befolyása a hazai környezetre)

Lokális/ regionális mezőgazdasági és vízügyi intézményi együttműködés (kereteinek) és gyakorlatának összehasonlítása EU-s országokban


Máthé Katalin tudományos mts.

Environmental awareness in our moment-to-moment choices: the water footprint calculator put into practice

Water Ethics Charter for local communities – account on an experiment


Dr. Pálvölgyi Tamás egyetemi docens

Assessment of water-related policies and measures in national climate change strategies (National Case study of.. )

Lokális fenntarthatósági programok vízgazdálkodási jelentősége: (esettanulmány …. Önkormányzatra)


Ungvári Gábor PhD doktorjelölt

Economic sustainability of waterway transport on the rivers of the Carpathian basin in light of climate change and the changes in the European transport market

Visions for the Drava in the Mura-Drava-Duna Biosphere Reserve, future goals and conflicts to solve