Climatters 2018
National University of Public Service
Sustainability day 2018
Climatters 2018 / Klíma ügye(in)k 2018
Environmental Scarcity and Sustainable Solutions
24 May 2018 (Thursday)
National University of Public Service
Climatters 2018 / Klíma ügye(in)k 2018
Sustainability day
Environmental Scarcity and Sustainable Solutions
24 May 2018
Invited speakers:
Ilaria Perissi Senior Researcher in Physical Chemistry, University of Florence
Natural resource crisis and the planetary boundaries
Lt. Gen. Thomas P. Bostick U.S. Army, Retired Chief Operating Officer, Intrexon Corporation
The global security implications of natural resource scarcity
Sándor Kerekes Professor of Environmental Economics, University of Kaposvár
Tame and wicked problems of sustainability
Daniel R. Brooks Professor of Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto
Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg
A Perfect Storm: Climate Change, Disease, Us
The Institute for Sustainable Development Studies of the National University of Public Service at the Faculty of Water Sciences is organising an international conference on the security, social-economic and public health aspects of environmental scarcity.
The Conference
The degradation of the environment has led to the emergence of complex crises in the 21st century that is fundamentally altering the conditions of life on Earth and the operation of human societies. The global expansion of the population and economic growth has resulted in the depletion of non-renewable natural capital and the loss of renewable resources. This creates scarcities at local to global scales with important security, social-economic and public health impacts that are not yet fully known. Responding to these critical challenges requires rapid and definitive action by political and economic decision-makers.
The Climatters 2018 Conference addresses the emerging global challenges triggered by environmental scarcity along the following main topics:
- security implications,
- technology, raw materials, energy,
- biodiversity and ecosystem services,
- social and economic transition,
- public health.
The above issues will be first introduced by renowned international and Hungarian keynote speakers (English-Hungarian interpretation will be provided), to be followed by in-depth discussions in thematic sessions (with no interpretation).
For participants
Participants interested in attending the conference, which is open and free to everyone, must register in advance at
Outline of the sessions (to reach the summaries, please click on the title of the presentations)
1. The security aspects of the natural resource crisis: conflicts, catastrophes, migration and the new world order (chair: Zoltán Hautzinger, NUPS, Faculty of Law Enforcement) (in Hungarian with no translation) |
According to the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2018, widespread social instability, extensive involuntary migration, water crisis, climate change and the interaction among these phenomena are amongst the biggest threats to humanity. This session explores the security aspects of sustainability, from migration through terrorism to industrial and natural disasters. Speakers: Kirovné Dr. Rácz Réka Magdolna, NKE Katasztrófavédelmi Intézet, adjunktus Tóth Klaudia, NKE NETK hallgató, Magyary Zoltán Szakkollégium elnök Dr. Baranyai Gábor, NKE, VTK, FFTI, szervezési igazgató Heincz Balázs, NKE, VTK, FFTI, munkatárs |
2. From Person to Planet: Scaling Sustainable Practices (chair: Mark McCaffrey – NUPS, Institute for Sustainable Development Studies) (in English) |
Many climate action strategies and sustainable development efforts at the international level have focused on “common but differentiated responsibilities” of nationally-driven efforts that are unique to each country. These efforts within nations emerge and evolve from a range of nested communities and social structures, including governance and security services, in which individuals are embedded. This session presents research findings that explore the challenges and opportunities for building on and increasing the reach of existing and emerging sustainability and security efforts at the various scales that ultimately connect each person to the planet. Speakers: Krisztina Szűcs, Pannon University, Georgikon, Ph.D. student Col. Péter Jackovics, National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of the Interior, chief of department Mária Bábosik, Hungarian National Bank, Ph.D. student Zoltán Hosszú, Agro-Economist & Rural Development Engineer, Krishna-valley, Hungary Béla Varga, Ph.D, József Tóth, Ph.D, NUPS, Faculty of Military Sciences and Officer Training Matias Mallmann Rohde, NUPS, research fellow POSTER: Muhammad Umar Faruk, University of Kaposvár |
3. The chances of social and economic transition (chair: Gergely Tóth, University of Kaposvár) (in Hungarian with no translation) |
The ongoing fourth industrial revolution provides an opportunity to improve the quality of life for all. Up to this point consumers were the winners of these processes: with the help of technology and the digital world they could enjoy new products and services that increased their personal well-being. However, the accelerating digitalization can lead to the loss of millions of jobs, the transformation of social structure and heavy overuse of natural resources. Could new technologies and changing social structures bring worldwide welfare or do they cause even greater inequalities? Will mankind be able to use the economic benefits of the new era to build a more equitable and sustainable future? This session aims to discuss dilemmas like the ones above. Speakers: Dr. Győri Zsuzsanna, Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, PSZK, főiskolai docens Nagy Zita Barbara, Pannon Egyetem Georgikon Kar, tanársegéd Jakuschné Dr. Kocsis Tímea, Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Kereskedelmi, Vendéglátóipari és Idegenforgalmi Kar, Közgazdasági és Módszertani Intézet, egyetemi docens Zachár János ECO-Invest Kft., ügyvezető igazgató Dr. Tóth Gergely, Kaposvári Egyetem, GTK, egyetemi docens |
4. Measuring good governance (chair: Tamás Kaiser, NUPS, Faculty of Public Governance and Administration) (in Hungarian with no translation) |
This session is presenting those results of the Good Governance Research of the University of Public Service that are connected to sustainability Speakers: Kaiser Tamás, NKE, ÁKFI, tudományos igazgató Dr. Bóday Pál KSH, főosztályvezető Petényi Sára NKE MMI Czippán Katalin NKE MMI Besenyei Mónika NKE FFTI – Hatásterületvezető |
5. Ecosystem services: collapse or adaptation? (chair: János Zlinszky, Pázmány Péter Catholic University) (in Hungarian with no translation) |
The concept of ecosystem services is based on the assumption that if basic services provided by nature to the functioning of socio-economic processes are monetized, then their management will be fairer and more rational. Intrusion in the functioning of these services leads to severe disturbances of human society and the environment. This thematic session seeks answers to the following questions:
Speakers: Szamek Gabriella, Alapvető Jogok Biztosának Hivatala, Jövő Nemzedékek Érdekeinek Védelmét Ellátó Biztoshelyettes Titkársága, ELTE ÁJK Közigazgatási Jogi Tanszék, jogi főreferens, megbízott oktató Fülöp Sándor NKE, FFTI Gorliczay Edit, Debreceni Egyetem, Mezőgazdaság, Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar, Ph.D hallgató Dr. Koncz Péter, Duna-Ipoly Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, projektmenedzser Molnár Tibor János, Pannon Egyetem, Georgikon Kar, Festetics Doktori Iskola, PhD hallgató POSZTER: Mészárosné Póss Anett, SZIE, MKK, NVI, PhD hallgató |
6. Climate change and public health (chair: Győző Petrányi, Hungarian Academy of Sciences) (in Hungarian with no translation) |
Climate change, overconsumption and overpopulation are transforming the natural environment that provides living conditions for humanity. This process has an effect on all the elements of the environment, public health included: the WHO estimates that 23% of all deaths are connected to environmental factors. The magnitude and direction of the effect of climate change on the state of public health is little known, even for scientists. To close this knowledge gap this session explores the following topics: present and future effects of systematic environmental changes and variations on the human body and genome; diseases appeared or are expected to appear due to climate change; new pathogens and diseases breading or proliferating in surface water or drinking water; the worldwide migration of insects of extraordinary gradation (overpopulation) and migration capabilities and their effects on human environment and health. Speakers: Dr. Páldy Anna, OKI, ÁNTSz Dr. Vargha Márta, OKI, víz mikrobiológus Dr. Farkas Róbert, SZIE, Állatorvostudományi Egyetem Dr. Kasza Gyula, NÉBIH POSZTER: Simonyi, Gyula I., BOCS Civilizációtervezés Alapítvány, elnök |
7. Technology, raw materials and energy in the 21st century (chair: Róbert Hegyi, GE Power) (in Hungarian with no translation) |
Population explosion, the demand for constant economic growth and the scarcity of some of the Earth’s resources result not only in a range a social problems, but also put industry in a position where it has to deal with challenges never seen before. Nevertheless, technology is also capable of giving solutions to some of the problems mentioned above. Satisfying the energy demand of the industrially developed societies in a low-carbon manner, replacing rare raw materials with others, raising industrial productivity or preventing and managing social conflicts are only possible with research and development, fourth generation industrial automation and new information technologies. The possible answers given to this complex challenge form the topic of this session. Speakers: Dr. Ferencz Zoltán József, MTA, TK, Szociológiai Intézet Dr. Szigeti Tamás János, WESSLING Hungary Kft. Balogh Szabolcs, NKM Mobilitás Kft., ügyvezető Dr. Tóth Zoltán, GE-lightnening Prof. Dr. Földi László, NKE, HHK, KVI, Műveleti Támogató Tanszék Dr. Németh Zsolt, NKE, FFTI |
Science committee
The science committee comprises the following members:
- András Szöllősi-Nagy – National University of Public Service, Institute for Sustainable Development Studies
- Zsolt Hetesi – National University of Public Service, Institute for Sustainable Development Studies
- Sándor Fülöp – National University of Public Service, Institute for Sustainable Development Studies
- Vilmos Kiszel – National University of Public Service, Institute for Sustainable Development Studies
- Zsolt Németh – National University of Public Service, Institute for Sustainable Development Studies
- Mark McCaffrey – National University of Public Service, Institute for Sustainable Development Studies
For further information, please check our website regularly:
Programme (general public):
The exhibition space – Sustainability Day 2018
11:00 – 18:00 Day-long events
Exhibitors: NÉBIH * NKM Mobilitás Kft. * Krisna-völgy Indiai Kulturális Központ és Biofarm * BogBag * IMSYS Mérnöki Szolgáltató Kft. * ELTE EKSZ * Víztudományi Kar